Jesus wants us to know the status of the last church Jesus takes us right into 1 Peter 1:3-16 to let us know that we should let our minds abide or stay on his promises and prophecies.That we should remember Jesus and his words but at the same time we would go through persecution but while we go through those trials we are to keep ourselves holy. This was a personal letter written by Peter moved by the holy spirit to the 1st church prophetically given for the last church. In 2 Peter 2 Jesus speaks to us about the the Antichrist and that the man of the Antichrist cannot come until there be a falling away 1st . Today we see the spirit of Religion and AntiChrist moving. Believers falling into false doctrine and prophecy in churches all over the world. At the same time we see the true movement of the last church by the direction of the Holy Spirit in house churches tent meetings and street revivals worldwide. Ezekiel 34 :25 sais of the last church that Jesus would lead us as we trust in him "they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods".
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