Jesus leads us to learn about Haggai and Through Revelations Miracles Dreams & Visions Paul Silas and Timothy's Ministry is confirmed in Acts 16th at Phillipi. Through all this we see the prospering that Jesus uplifts us with when we are obedient to his word telling us to build and not look back. We look at Haggai during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah Haggai prophesied Jesus sais in Haggai 1:13 "I am with you" In Haggai 1:8 Build the house (keep building my church). We see this building of Jerusalem prospered through Jesus giving Prophecy and word from the lord to the Prophets Zechariah and Haggai. In 2 Chronicles 24 Jesus showed Joash king of Judah the book of the law reminding him to build and the house of the lord . So we are to continue to build even if we have been distracted to pick the pieces back up and continue to build . Go Forth and Build !!
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