On this Shabat Sermon episode we discuss Hope & Trust On The Path of Jesus the 1st scripture we look at is 1 samuel 23 where jonathan speaks of David knowing that he is to become king . We then look at 1 Samuel 3:17-18 where David is stated by Jesus saying by the hand of my servant David I will save my people israel out of the hand of the philistines and out of the hand of all their enemies . We then read in Isaiah 30 & Ezekiel 14 that Israel was rebellious and where punished but will be redeemed. Even though we sometimes we can't see the outcome we have to trust that Jesus is taking us somewhere .The Holy spirit then leads us into Acts 5 to look at the story of peter being persecuted locked up and then freed by the hand of Jesus by his angel he literally opened the doors of the jail .Then told Peter to speak boldy the words of this life . With trust & hope we look to the story of Paul how he preached Jesus throughout Rome. He took his message but by force back to Jerusalem suffering extreme persecution beforehand being a jew himself not knowing what awaited him he trusted and heard from Jesus himself who lead every step. Now we look towards the future and where jesus is leading us to now we look at Ezekiel 39 , Revelation 19 & Ezekiel 41. Peace Love & Blessings In the Holy name of Jesus
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